Your MANICIRCLE gift to loved ones

Birthday, Christmas, name day, reward, just because... why not give a particularly valuable gift:

Give loved ones a

MANICIRCLE manifestation circuit.

Choose the amount that suits you and send us the Supporting member application as a sponsor for your MANICIRCLE gift with Your title, the name of the recipient and your own greeting. So this certificate is personalized for your favorite people, your friends, your employees...

After acceptance of your supporting membership application, we will send you the receipt with the bank details and After receipt of payment, we will send you the certificate with the data of your recipient by email as well as the corresponding project numbers.

You choose whether you want to continue to be our contact person for the MANICIRCLE manifestation cycle of your recipient or whether the growth and harvest emails go directly to your recipient, who then sends us his or her own documentation.

Submit YOUR supporting membership application here as a sponsor for your MANICIRCLE GIFT:

Supporting member application MANICIRCLE GIFT

Exklusiv für den MANICIRCLE Manifestationskreislauf

Bereiche mit * sind Pflichtfelder

Mögliche Startbeträge für den MANICIRCLE Manifestationskreislauf: 

M9000 = individuelle Anzahl Manicoin, größer als M900 = 2 x 900 Manicoin

M900 = 2 x 900 Manicoin  = 1800 Manicoin (= 2 x 1107 € = 2214 €)

M300 = 2 x 300 Manicoin = 600 Manicoin (= 2 x 369 € = 738 €)

M100 = 2 x 100 Manicoin = 200 Manicoin (= 2 x 123 € = 246 €)

M81 = 3 x 81 Manicoin = 243 Manicoin (= 3 x 99,63 € = 298,89 €)

M27 = 3 x 27 Manicoin = 81 Manicoin (= 3 x 33,21 € = 99,63 €)

M9 = 3 x 9 Manicoin = 27 Manicoin  (= 3 x 11,07 € = 33,21 €)

M3 = 3 x 3 Manicoin = 9 Manicoin (= 3 x 3,69 € = 11,07 €)

M1 = 3 x 1 Manicoin = 3 Manicoin (= 3 x 1,23 € = 3,69 €)

M0 = 4 x 1 Manicoin = 4 Manicoin (= 4 x 1,23  € = 4,92 € pro WOCHE = 19,68 € pro MONAT = 236,16 € pro JAHR)

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